I'm not liked cause...I stand on my morals like a guard at Buckingham Palace. The strongest soldiers dislike me cause with two simple words I can cut to their core, dismantle their ammunition and leave them defenseless. I'm not liked cause I won't support the lies being fed via social encounters. Where those who have done the most hate filled acts are now being placed on pedestals. Never having to account for those moments that left life long scares to individuals who where undeserving. I'm hated cause The truth I hold in people's character can demolish the fake face they have adopted and place front and center. When some glorify friends family and themselves based on never expressing the truth of the matter. I get hated on cause I don't willfully act as if I agree wholeheartedly. I don't place myself in a category of perfection. I don't come close to thinking I'm better than most. I have been displaced from birth, abused through adolescence, verbally castrated while never being the initiator. Mentally Physically and Sexually abused by Satins dirty deeder. Then passed around from home to home like a poker chip at a roulette table. All the while being told I would never amount to anything cause I didn't apply myself in a positive manner. All before turning 18. By 21 though I realized, I owned my life. I could wright my narrative w/o a degree or anyone's acceptance. No one stood in my shoes. No one could rescue me, carry me or truly accept me w/o judgement. All the while I loved unconditionally, accepted hate and still rowse above it's reign to stay dry and sun driven. Anyone thinking they are stronger than me need think again. I have owned mistakes and grown. Endured blame and held my own, even when lied on. I can and will be your biggest thorn...why? Cause I won't go away till GOD calls me home.
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