The woman who accept this behavior are normally emotionally damaged in many ways. Everyone is entitled to their opinion for sure. As am I. It's the strangest thing that when men do this it's deemed as strength and prosperous. Yet when a woman makes choices to even date 2 men. The same men who preach my Queen will call this who have more than one suitor are called how's and that's. The contradiction is so big it's suffocating. Many times I see this situation, the men are not even supporting the household. The woman are educated and working. While the men are reaping the benefits of their values. It's hypocrisy in its truest form. You preach lifting a Queen, You preach a man is to uphold his position. Yet, you can't acknowledge your actions as contradictive. I only ask why is it good for the goose and not the gander. I bet you will refer to the Bible as your defence to honor this thought. The same Bible you preach is a white mans lesson. It takes a real man to love and respect a woman in the way that she is honored as his one and only choice in life. Finding weekended souls to adapt to this principle of being a team player is nothing less than manipulative overpowering. You don't have to agree as I Kno you won't, cause it's easiest to fall short of standing strong and being true to one woman. If you need to have more than one. Why not just be single, upfront and clear your not into monogamous endeavors. As that is what this form of a relationship really is. If manogomus life isn't real then why are so many building strong foundations in being such. Could it be that your wrong. As you preach this is the African way. I want you to understand. It's a tribal way not the only African way. As many Africans have moved forward in mindset from this ancient thought process cause they never wanted it. Africans also rape woman, beat them into submission and congregate into groups to brag about their concurring. Widely accepted among tribes and upheld. Every man I see holding this same notion I seen fall short of his obligations. That's how I see it. U don't have to agree as I know you won't. My eyes are not closed though. I have yet to see one man with this mindset actually leading the household and soul provider. Don't get mad at what's been seen by my eyes. As I am not mad at your choice. I'm just clear in thought to what this really is. Now when you are mad at one woman not agreeing with your choice, you can turn to another. That's excellent. Cause that's all this really is. In stead of hearing and acknowledging her. You can play on a new feild. Great Work!
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